Story Library

There are currently 183 titles listed here. Use the Select button to filter by genre. If this is your first visit, try the tutorial story or play Zork for free!

In case your webbrowser doesn't automatically hand over games to Text Fiction, you can manually import them from the app's main menu. Once a story is imported into the library list, it can be removed from the downloadmanager.

Story Title Author Genre
Escape from Santaland Jason Ermer
Final Selection Sam Gordon
Fish Bowl
Gourmet Aaron A. Reed
Heated Timothy Peers
Hunter, in Darkness Andrew Plotkin
I-0 Adam Cadre
Last Day of Summer Doug Orleans
Mercy Chris Klimas
Murphy's Law Scott Hammack
My Name is Jack Mills Juhana Leinonen
Nautilisia Ryan Veeder
Nemesis Macana Victor Gijsbers